We try to create opportunities for older people to meet, socialise and take part in regular activities during the daytime. Apart from the activities organised by community groups, our churches offer:
Cafe@99 – open twice weekly on Monday and Friday mornings
Tea@3 – weekly on Wednesday afternoons
Shared community meals – lunch once a month on the first Sunday, and occasional meals shown in the calendar
Knitting group – monthly on the last Tuesday afternoon
We also support COPE, the Cambridge Older People’s Enterprise, which is located in St Luke’s Church.
It is a sad reflection on our society today that so many older people suffer from isolation and loneliness. This can be a particular problem for residents in care homes who can be further isolated from their surrounding communities by their physical surroundings.
Regular services are held in the following care homes and sheltered accommodation by members of the Ministry team and parishioners, who provide both spiritual and personal companionship for residents. In addition, the residents are invited to, and attend when they are able, various social parish events.
Members of the ministry team are also available to visit older people in their own homes if requested.
Cambridge Manor, 33 Milton Road
Cambridge Manor is a purpose built care home for 88 residents, located on the corner of Milton and Gilbert Roads. There is a service of hymns and short readings, followed by communion on the last Tuesday of every month, starting at 2.30 pm.
Primrose Croft, Primrose Street, off Victoria Road
Primrose Croft offers accommodation and personal care to 38 older people, some of whom have mental health needs. Ministers from the parish hold a service of prayer, readings and song there once a month as well as offering residents a Communion Service.
Storey’s House, Mount Pleasant, Edward House, Albion Row
Storey’s House is a warden controlled community of self contained flats, built and maintained by the trust set up under the will of Edward Storey. They house a total of 45 women.
Edward House is attached to the main building and is of Nursing Home status with residents housed in single rooms. Some are former residents of Storey’s House but some are referred directly from the community.
The parish provides a monthly communion service in both establishments as well as Harvest and Christmas services. Advent and Lent courses are also run in Storey’s House, with participation by members of the parish.
Cambridge Victoria Homes, Victoria Road
Cambridge Victoria Homes provide subsidised accommodation for those over 60 years who are able to live independently. Christmas and Harvest services are provided by members of the ministry team.