Christenings, Marriages & Funerals
We want to help you celebrate the joyful events in your life, and to provide support for you in the inevitable times of difficulties and sadness

Christenings, Baptisms
The parish team has an open policy and welcomes requests from all who live within the parish boundary. Children may be christened (baptised) at any age, and we also offer a special service of thanksgiving for the birth of a child.
Baptism is also open to adults of any age and stage of life, who want to show that they want to live a new life in Christ.
We therefore will gladly baptise parishioners and their children who may not be church attenders. We do need to spend some time to make sure that the deep significance of Baptism is understood, but you or your child will never be turned away! Please contact the Parish Office in the first instance when you are planning for a service in one of our parish churches.

Marriages, Weddings
We are also delighted to marry couples who may not be regular Church attenders (provided one of them has connections with the parish). As with christenings, we ask that you spend some time to understand the full meaning of Christian marriage.
A previous marriage by one or both partners is not something we see as an ultimate obstacle, but – as for a first marriage – we do expect you to be willing to spend some time reflecting on past experiences and exploring with us how Christian marriage can bring a new impetus and a new dimension to your life together.
There is lots of useful information about getting married on the Church of England website. Please contact the Parish Office with any initial enquiries.
Image ©2010-2016 Martin Bond All rights reserved

Everyone has the right to expect their parish priest to be there for them when a loved one dies. As ministers we see the help we offer as one of the greatest privileges of our ministry. We will support you in any way we can. We will respect your faith position and the privacy of your family, and work with you to celebrate the lives of your family members or friends as you would like to have them celebrated. Just ask us.
There is helpful advice on this website, including up-to-date information at the current time of Coronavirus restrictions.

Supporting you
Most of us at some time or another need someone we can talk to in confidence. We at Church at Castle can’t hope to know personally all 20,000 of our parishioners, but all of us do want to be available for you if you need us.
You can make contact in confidence with one of the ministers via an email or phone call using the contact details shown here. You can be sure that anything you say will only be known to the Ministry team.
Don’t worry if you think your particular concern may be too small or trivial to bother anybody with. Life’s issues affect us all in different ways, so please feel free to share anything you would like to with us.