Meet The Team

Our Ministry team and officers include people from the Church of England, United Reformed, Methodist and Romanian Orthodox traditions 

Revd Canon Philipa King

Position: Team Rector

For administrative enquiries:, 01223 315000

For pastoral matters:, 01223 366665

Revd Dr Janet Bunker

Position: Team Vicar (with special responsibility for NW Cambridge developments, PCC chair)

Contact details:, 01223 229976

Revd Jenny Pathmarajah

Position: Part-time Methodist minister (Tues, Weds, Thurs and Sunday)
(Castle St Cambridge, Histon, Haslingfield and Toft)
Contact Details: 01223 343990

Fr Dragos Herescu

Position: Romanian Orthodox Priest
Parish of St John the Evangelist (Romanian Orthodox), Director of IOCS
Contact Details:, 00780 5972718

Revd Dr Tom Ambrose

Position: Assistant Priest
Contact Details:, 01223 858994

Rev’d Canon Dr Owen Spencer-Thomas

Position: Resident priest
Contact Details:, 01223 358448

Miss Margaret Cooper

Position: Licensed Lay Minister
Contact Details:, 01223 354561

Gill Ambrose

Position: Authorised Lay Minister (Children)

Governor of St Luke’s School, Trustee of The Church Schools of Cambridge
Contact Details:, 01223 858994

Sheila Rozeik

Position: Parish Administrator
Contact Details:, 01223 315000

Office hours: 9am to 1pm on weekdays. The office is not always attended, when the Administrator is working elsewhere.

St Luke’s Centre Manager

Position: St Luke’s Centre Manager
Contact Details:, 01223 311136

Office hours: 9am to 12 noon on weekdays. The office is not always attended but messages and emails will be responded to.

Richard Footitt

Position: Parish Treasurer
Contact Details:, 01223 364929

Dr Patricia McGuire

Position: PCC Secretary
Contact Details:, 01223 313516