‘For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life.
Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.’
John 3: 16-17

Jesus challenged us to love, not just those with whom we are familiar but also those who challenge us by their differences. Sometimes loving others is relatively simple, it is easy to love those who reach out in love to us. At other times love can be costly. We try, sometimes unsuccessfully, to model our regard for others upon God’s regard for the world. God’s love is there for everyone. As people of different denominations we believe that all Christians should work together to share in the outworking of God’s love in the world. We believe that we should challenge divisiveness within and without the church, speak out against the injustices which affect all people, regardless of their faith position and in ordinary and extraordinary ways make God known.
Our common purpose
- First and foremost to worship God through Jesus Christ his Son.
- To serve our parishioners – not just those who come to Church, but everyone who needs us.
- To offer friendship, companionship and a listening ear – without strings.
- To provide sympathetic advice and support in times of difficulty or doubt.
- To give people a glimpse of a life that helps them to make the most of …Life!
Faith and you
If you are interested in exploring Christianity, whether you attend church or not at present, and at all stages of your life’s journey, you can find some suggestions here.