Services for the current month

Regular Services

Everyone is welcome to our services, and we are always delighted to see newcomers in any of our churches. We welcome members of other Christian churches to receive Holy Communion or, if you feel more comfortable, please come forward with the rest of the congregation to receive a blessing.

If you need help with transport then please contact a member of the Ministry Team, who will arrange for a church member to give you a lift.

If you are unable to get to church, members of Church at Castle will visit you at home, and the Ministry Team will gladly arrange for Communion to be given at home to anyone who wishes it.

Sunday services (normal pattern)

9.00 amSt. Giles’Sung Eucharist* Every Sunday except 3rd Sunday (see * below)
9.30 amSt. Augustine’sSung Eucharist* Every Sunday except 3rd Sunday (see * below)
10.30 amSt. Luke’sService of the WordFirst Sunday in month
10.30 amSt. Luke’sFamily Communion* Every Sunday except 1st & 3rd Sunday (see above and * below)
10.00 amCastle St. MethodistMorning WorshipEvery Sunday
6.30 pmCastle St. MethodistEvening ServiceEvery second Sunday – see below

A Church at Castle united evening service is held every second Sunday evening of each month at Castle Street Methodist Church.

  • * Every third Sunday there is a united Parish communion when all three churches worship in a single service. The location of each month’s service is shown in the rota at the top of this page.

United ecumenical morning services take place on the Sundays after Christmas Day and Easter Day and the last Sunday in August. On these Sundays this is the only morning service in the parish.

Weekday services

These take place every week except during the month of August and in the week following Easter Sunday and Christmas.

WednesdayMorning Prayer9.30 amonline on Zoom
ThursdayEucharist10.00 amSt. Giles’-hybrid

Special Services

Special services for your own important life events … baptism, marriage, funerals, blessings

Upcoming Services and Events

Friday February 14
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Cafe@99
Sunday February 16
Monday February 17
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Cafe@99
Wednesday February 19
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Tea @ 3
Thursday February 20
Friday February 21
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Cafe@99
Sunday February 23
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