Schools & Colleges


We have a strong link with St Luke’s School, with the Vicar and others serving as Governors.

St Luke’s C of E Primary School

St. Luke’s C.E. (A) Primary School is set in extensive grounds in the heart of the parish, just a short distance from St. Luke’s Church. Approximately 170 children attend the school, coming from a broad cross-section of the population and a number of different ethnic backgrounds. The ministry team, church-appointed governors and church members work with the children during the course of the school week. The Governors offer support and constructive advice to the School’s management team and specifically Foundation Governors have the added requirement to “preserve and develop” the school’s religious characteristics. For more information, please see the Governors section of the School’s website.

Mayfield Primary School

Mayfield Primary School, also within the parish, is close to St. Augustine’s Church and has links with St. Luke’s Church. A number of the children join in with the various activities provided there. Members of the Ministry team have talked about Christian life and beliefs and have invited classes to guided talks at both St Giles’ and St Luke’s Churches. Musical groups from the school have used St Augustine’s Church for concerts.

Castle School

Our parish has a strong historical link with the Castle School which lies in another parish, the Parish of the Good Shepherd.. As they have no hall big enough to seat all pupils and their parents, they come to St Giles’ Church three times a year, for their Easter, Harvest and Christmas services, which are led jointly by the head and a member of the clergy team. These are always very joyful occasions, with much singing and acting; they are appreciated by all who attend them.

Chesterton Community College

Chesterton Community College is a state non-selective mixed school for pupils aged 11 to 16. Over 90 languages are spoken by Chesterton pupils and over 25% of pupils come from homes where English is not the first language. The staff comprises over 50 teachers, 60 community tutors and 50 support staff. The College provides a range of community education to the county, with over 3000 members of the local community using the site each week. At the last Ofsted inspection on 7 July 2017, Chesterton received ‘1’ (Outstanding) mark in all areas of its standards.


There are a number of colleges of the University of Cambridge in the Parish of the Ascension. If you are enquiring about having a service in a college chapel such as a wedding or baptism, then please contact the college’s chaplain for details as each college has its own regulations regarding these services. For marriages in college chapels you will require a special licence. The colleges use the Ascension Parish marriage registers, for which a small administrative fee is charged.

Churchill College
Fitzwilliam College
Magdalene College
Robinson College
Selwyn College
St Edmund’s College