Our Church Centres
St Augustine’s Church
St. Augustine’s is very much at the heart of its surrounding community. It is a centre of worship which is also used as a meeting place for a wide variety of groups. The monthly Community Lunch Club provides a two course meal and good company at Sunday lunchtimes for only a minimal charge, and a community cafe is open several times a week, run in partnership with local residents community groups.. There is also a long tradition of good music at St Augustine’s both within its worship and through the variety of musical events held there. A regular series of evening talks covers such diverse subjects as art history, climate change and fractals.

St Giles with St Peter
St. Giles’ is a striking Victorian church in the Early French Gothic style, rebuilt in 1875 with features of the original building that date back to 1092. The worship is liberal catholic, in the Anglican Church tradition. Our parish office is based there. Open most days, the church is a quiet city-centre space for prayer and meditation. At other times it welcomes people in for the musical events, concerts, conferences, celebrations, commemorations, sales in support of charities, including those supporting homeless people, an annual Summer Fair and Christmas Tree Festival. Our local schools enjoy their seasonal services and educational visits during term time.
The garden is variously used for fun days, garden parties and charity events. Please feel free to enjoy this space to sit and relax if you’re working or passing nearby.
The Romanian Orthodox congregation of the Parish of St John the Evangelist shares the church building for their regular services and celebrations.
St Luke’s
St. Luke’s Church is a local ecumenical partnership between the United Reformed Church and the Church of England. On the wall as you enter the church you will find the following statement, put together by the church family.
‘Everyone is welcome here. We aim to be an inclusive community proclaiming Christ’s gospel of love. We will strive to make this a place where anyone can explore the possibility of faith. We celebrate the traditions of both Anglican and United Reformed churches. We offer St Luke’s as a special resource for the neighbourhood, at the same time recognising that the heart of the building is a place of worship and prayer for everyone. Together we affirm our strong commitment to work with people of other denominations and those of other world faiths.’
The halls and church rooms, called St Luke’s Church Centre, make excellent venues for a variety of groups and activities.